This application is exclusive to users who already have access to the Owners Area of Imobiliária MAN.Learn everything about your Condominium wherever you are, quickly and conveniently.## The tools described below require approval by your condominium administration. If you have any questions about your accesses, please contact the administration##With the Condominium Area you can:* Check your condominium account statements;* View your Units open slips;* Make reservations for common areas;* Obtain the updated duplicate of your slips;* Copy the typeable line (bar code) to make the payment through your Bank application;* Speak directly to your administrator;* View Notices issued by the Administrator and the Manager of your Condominium;* View Documents such as Minutes of Meeting, Convention or accountability documents;For the liquidator:* View the general default or by condominium unit;* Register common areas and their rules of use;* Check the contacts of all tenants;* Publish announcements;* Check the payables of the condominium;* Check the consumption of resources such as water, gas and electricity;